Our Service

Sea Freight

Comparing to other transportation mode ocean freight rate is affordable and maintenance cost is cheaper. When it comes to bulkier shipment, this mode is the most suitable form of transportation.

  • Port service
  • Transport between ports
  • Container and bulk transportation
  • Multimodal transportation
  • Sea-rail, truck and air mixed transportation

Air Freight

It is the fastest transportation mode which provides comfortable, efficient transport service. Thus, it is free from physical barriers since it follows the shortest and direct routes.

  • Airport to airport
  • Consolidation shipment
  • Special cargo
  • Customs clearance
  • Package all kind of cargo
  • Door to door service

Railway Transport

Rail freight mode is suitable for longer distance and the safest among transportation modes. Hence, it is capable of shipping large capacity of shipments.

  • Container
  • Consolidation container
  • Loose and packed cargo
  • Oversized and heavy cargo
  • Reinforced container
  • Dangerous cargo

Road Transport

Road transport gives an advantage for door to door service due to its flexibility and ability to rural areas where train, airplane and ocean cannot reach. Therefore you can suit the schedule with your demand.

  • Contract distribute service
  • Oversized and heavy cargo transport
  • Loads required special transport condition
  • Intercity and local transport

We offer comprehensive freight solution just right for your shipment.
